Removing paint from ornate plasterwork
Which Product?
The thick layers of distemper and emulsion, which often completely clog and obscure the fine detail of ornate plaster cornices, friezes, ceiling roses etc., can be very effectively removed with Kling Strip.
Because the coating layer to be removed is often in excess of 12mm (1/2″) thick in the crevices, contractors involved in this sort of job tend to give Kling Strip a dwell time of 5 to 7 days to work through.
With such coating thicknesses it is important to ensure that the product is applied particularly thickly.
Before repainting, make sure that the surface is completely dry and free from any efflorescence. The appearance of efflorescence usually indicates that the washing off of dissolved paint residues has not been thorough enough. Use an alkali-resistant primer.
Important Point
Plaster types can vary considerably. As always, do a test on a small area first to ensure that there are no ill effects. Make sure that the substrate (the surface underneath the paint) is indeed plaster and not “gesso” or “compo”, “papier mach”, “Lincrusta”. etc. “Gesso” and “compo” will be softened by Kling Strip. Papier maché, “Lincrusta” and embossed paper cannot be economically stripped.