The current lockdown situation combined with the warm weather has inspired many of us (or given us no excuse not too) to get on with those DIY paint removal projects that we have been putting off. Whilst it’s no doubt more appealing and practical to embark on these projects outside wherever possible – fresh air, easy to deal with the mess etc., it’s worth noting that direct hot sun will have an adverse affect on paint stripper. Most paint removers will need to be left for several hours to do their job. If left to work in the hot sun they will start to dry out which will not only stop the process but you are then in danger of the product drying onto the substrate which can then be difficult to remove. By all means do take advantage of the wonderful weather to get those projects done outside but do ensure you use in a shaded area. Indeed, there is no excuse not to remove paint from garden furniture, remove old sealants from flagstones or patios etc! With our range of products you will be able to find a product that can remove virtually any paint or coating from virtually any substrate. Visit our shop or use our Product Finder to select the most suitable product for your paint stripping project.